Winter-Themed Writing Activities for French Class


Winter-Themed Writing Activities for French Class

Winter has arrived, and now that all the snow and cold weather have settled in, it’s time to start thinking about winter-themed writing activities you can do with your students to help them learn French! Here are some of our favorites...



If you have your students keep a writing journal, here are some winter-themed ideas to get your students writing using their acquired winter vocabulary.


1. Write about the first snow of the season and what it felt like as it fell from the sky. 

2. Write about your favorite holiday traditions (decorating the tree, trimming lights on the house, etc). 

3. Write about your favorite winter food (hot cocoa, gingerbread cookies, hot cider)



Creative Writing

Try a fun winter-themed creative writing activity. Try this French descriptive writing as they design and describe their perfect mug of hot chocolate. There is an option to turn this into a contest by having each student vote on their favourite design.

Winter descriptive writing assignment

Collaborative Writing

This winter, engage your class with some creative collaborative writing activities that are seasonal and fun. An idea is to write a poem about winter that is either written as a whole class or that can be done in groups of 2 or 3. Use these prompts to get started: What should it be called? What is the title? What should the first line be?  What do you think the last line should be? 


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