5 French classroom activities for la Fête des pères

 5 French classroom activities for la Fête des pères

Are you looking for French classroom activities for ‘la Fête des pères’? I’ve done a round-up of some resources and activities that are available online and that you can start using with your French students today.

 As a child, I was always so proud to present my Dad with something that I had made at school or on the weekend for Father’s day. If you are choosing to create something with your students, be sure to provide opportunities for your students recognize any male figure in their lives that may be special too!


1.     French vocabulary cards. Download these FREE Father’s Day vocabulary cards for your word wall from Prof Numeric.

2.     Slideshow. Read this FREE slideshow from For French Immersion with your students for more information about Father’s Day.

3.     Crafts. Here are some great craft ideas for your students from Humeurs Créatives.

4.     Poems. Read these poems from FLE en ESO.

Writing gift. Are you looking for an activity for your FSL or immersion students to celebrate Father’s Day? This package contains an activity suitable for students in all grades. Both of the activities have been created so that students can honour their father, or another important man in their lives. The activity is provided with 3 different titles, so that students can best choose the gift that is suitable. The titles include: “Meilleur Papa du monde”, “Mon père” and “Il est mon héros.” Have your students complete the activity by completing each of the 5 writing prompts and then colouring and decorating the puzzle. The puzzle can be cut out and mounted on coloured paper or cut out the puzzle pieces to store in an envelope as a unique gift.

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