5 French classroom management tools

 5 French classroom management tools

Today I want to share a quick round-up of 5 of my favourite classroom management tools for French Teachers. These tools were designed to encourage a positive classroom environment by creating classroom responsibility, minimizing disruptions, using self-assessment, positive rewards and setting goals.


Les Responsabilités De Classe - Editable French classroom jobs posters


You're not the only one who should be responsible for maintaining the classroom! Get your students involved. The best way to have students take an active role the classroom community is to assign classroom jobs on a rotating basis. Classroom jobs also give students responsibilities and ownership in the classroom.

This editable set contains 20 different classroom job title posters appropriate for grades 4 and up. Also included are blank posters for adding your own jobs, editable student name cards (circular and rectangular), student number tags, job assignment list and teacher tracking sheets. The document is a powerpoint file that is editable!


French success criteria | les critères de réussite

Included in this document, you will find 10 French “Je peux...” statement posters. They focus on the domains of: listening, writing and speaking. Each statement is offered in both a colour poster and in a black and white version. I have also included a blank template so that you can customize the posters to your own goals.

This is an editable and printable PowerPoint document. You can add your own text on slides 8 and 14 to incorporate your own  ”Je peux…” statements. Click on the box that says: YOUR TEXT HERE and type your own statement.

“Je peux…” statements break down learning goals into smaller, more attainable goals and help teachers better focus a lesson. You can use “Je peux..” statements in your French classroom effectively by:

-posting the goal during a unit or lesson so that students can read it and refer to it.

-reviewing the statement at the beginning and throughout the lesson with your students.


Mon niveau du jour… French class assessment posters

Enjoy these participation and classroom management posters for your French classroom. Based on the 4-level scoring system, these posters provide a framework for teacher and student assessment levels when assessing “Mon niveau du jour.” Use these levels to set expectations and encourage student participation in French class.

Your students will enjoy these posters as a visual reminder to participate in the target language. Also included is a useful teacher tracking sheet to record student scores.

French hand signals posters - Les signaux manuels

Are you looking for a creative approach to reducing distractions in your French classroom? Use these French hand signal posters to quickly address some frequent students’ requests. Print the full-size posters to display in the classroom, or print half-sized to create a useful anchor chart.


French positive note templates

Let your students know that you notice their good behaviours, accomplishments and special celebrations with this set of French positive notes for students. It is a great positive classroom management tool. Print in black and white on coloured paper for a pop, or choose to print in colour with fun clipart graphics. Both versions are provided.

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