4 ways to teach French with humour

Teaching French with humour


Humour is known to be a useful tool in the acquisition of a new language. Humour can be complicated or simple and helps to explain cultural norms. The use of humour helps keep students interested and motivated.


Here are 4 ways that you can incorporate humour in your FSL teaching practice:




Memes are photos with funny or relatable captions that are often shared on the internet. Memes often employ a lot of hidden grammar rules, slang vocabulary, and even at times cultural attitudes. They are great for intermediate age students.



La blague de la semaine

‘La blague de la semaine’ is a weekly routine for second-language French classrooms. Jokes often use complex language to create humour. Use kid-friendly easy-to-understand jokes with simple language for French learners. Try this ready-made resource of 40 illustrated jokes from The French Nook with your classes this week.



Comic strips

Fun, colourful, and illustrated to help give context clues, comic strips are a wonderful tool to engage your beginning FSL students at any age. Check out this list of 15 great comics to learn French!




Teaching idioms can be tricky for an FSL teacher. Idioms are a common part of speech and when taught early on can help your students to communicate more naturally and give them a deeper understanding of the French language. Try this idioms activity from The French Nook with your intermediate French students.


What other ways do you use humour to teach French? Let me know in the comments below!

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