Why you should use research projects with FSL students

 Why you should use research projects with FSL students


I’ve always loved watching my students get excited about a classroom activity and engaging with curriculum in French class (I mean, what teacher doesn’t!?). What is particularly motivating is when a student teaches ME something new. Over the years, I’ve learned about so many interesting rare animals, famous people, historical figures and international places all because I gave my students the chance to learn and teach me something new. In the process, I get to learn about my students’ interests too (BONUS!). 


What is my secret? Research projects! I assign open-ended research projects often. Sometimes, I will provide my students with a theme (like French-speaking countries, or animals) and other times I will let their own interests guide their study (think-inquiry). The results are always exciting to see and I love when my students are proud to show me what they’ve learned. 


"Over the years, I’ve learned about so many interesting rare animals, famous people, historical figures and international places all because I gave my students the chance to learn and teach me something new."

Check out the FSL research projects in my TPT store HERE.


What are some of the benefits of research-based projects for French-language learners?


1.    Cross-curricular connections

You can integrate your research project with other subjects that you may be teaching or other topics that your students are exploring in other classes. (science, social studies?)


2.    Builds research skills

Any time that students get to practice their research skills helps to prepare them for future study.


3.    Exposure to new vocabulary

Students often learn new vocabulary in the target language that they may not have otherwise been exposed to.


4.    Connection to vocabulary and subject matter

When students are researching topics of interest, they have a personal connection to the materials that they are learning. This will help them to form connections to the French vocabulary that they are acquiring in a meaningful way.


5.    Practice reading and writing 

The entire research process provides purposeful opportunities to be reading and writing in French.

"You can integrate your research project with other subjects that you may be teaching or other topics that your students are exploring in other classes."


What are some of the challenges of research-based projects for French-language learners?


1.    Research information is not always available in French.

Unfortunately, there is not always the information available in the French language (like the biographies of famous people). So, students sometimes need to find some of the information in English and then use their prior knowledge or French-English dictionaries to translate.

2.    Learning a new language makes the research process slower and more difficult.

Research projects tend to take a long time. They are an investment of class time in learning the research process and the French language at the same time.


What are some ideas for research-based projects?


My teaching experience is with students in grades 3-8, so the following suggestions would be suitable to this age group.


French-speaking countries

This research project is designed for French language learners in grades 4-8. Your students will perform in-depth research on one country in which French is an official language.

Students will become more aware of the prominence of the French language throughout the world, and the customs, geography and interesting facts about these countries.


French-Canadian festivals

This research project is designed for French language learners in grades 4-8. Your students will explore how communities in Canada celebrate Francophone culture at annual festivals throughout the country. This research project helps satisfy the curriculum requirements for intercultural awareness.


French communities in Canada

This project satisfies the intercultural awareness component of the Ontario French as a Second Language curriculum for grades 4, 5 and 6. This package includes a 2 page research project, customized for each grade. A list of possible communities to research for each grade level is also included. Students will utilize their developing research skills to locate the information required for their chosen city.



This research project is designed for French language learners in grades 4-8. Your students will perform in-depth research on an animal of their choice. Your students will gain valuable research skills and learn to write descriptions in French.



This research project is designed for French language learners in grades 4-8. Your students will perform in-depth research on a famous person of their choice. Your students will gain valuable research skills and learn to write descriptions in French and complete a timeline.


Open inquiry projects

Are you looking for something to help manage a research or inquiry project in your immersion or FSL classroom? This set of 12 student graphic organizers will encourage your students to generate ideas, analyze and brainstorm. They are perfect for any topic area and any type of research or inquiry project. The templates are ideal for students in grades 5 and up. 

This product includes 12 student organizers to use at each stage of inquiry: focus, explore, analyze and share learning.

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