Creative ways to use sticky notes in your FSL classroom

Creative uses for sticky notes in the FSL classroom

 Sticky notes have been around for over 40 years. Did you know that the adhesive used on 3M Post-it® notes was invented by mistake in 1968? Dr. Spencer Silver, a chemist at 3M Company, invented a unique, low-tack adhesive that would stick to things but also could be repositioned multiple times. He was trying to invent a super-strong adhesive, but he came up with a super-weak one instead. Oops! Thank you, Dr. Silver!

Since then, sticky notes have been used in offices, homes and schools around the world. While you likely already use these in your classroom, I wanted to give you some creative suggestions on how you can incorporate sticky notes as part of your teaching and student learning!


Below, I will detail 5 creative ways to use sticky notes in the FSL classroom, showcase some sticky-note resources AND teach you how to print on sticky notes! Do you have other unique ways of using sticky notes in your classroom? Leave me a comment below to tell me about it!


5 creative uses for sticky notes in the FSL classroom


1.    Sentence order

Write out each word of a sentence on a separate sticky note. For example, Je/suis/très/fatiguée. Then mix up the sticky notes and have students put them back in order. You can use this as an activity centre by using sentences from your unit of study. Write out each sentence on a different colour of sticky note and have students rearrange the sticky notes to complete the sentence correctly. Then, have your students write out the correct sentence for marking.

2.    Exit slips

Check in on your students’ learning after a lesson sequence by asking them to record what they have learned from the lesson on a sticky note. You will then be able to assess if there is anything that you need to re-teach.

3.    Collaborative activities

Easily create collaborative Venn diagrams and KWL charts with your entire class using sticky notes. Create the diagram outline on chart paper or your whiteboard. Then, ask each student to write their contribution on a sticky note and add it to the larger diagram. This is a great way to ensure that all students participate in a whole-class activity.

4.    Quiz games

Create a quick and easy interactive quiz-style game by writing quiz questions on your whiteboard or chart paper. Cover up the questions with sticky notes and write a point value on each note. Students can play by choosing the value amount, removing the sticky note and answering the secret question underneath!

5.    Vocabulary match

Write your unit vocabulary words and their matching definitions or translations on separate sticky notes. Challenge your students to match them up correctly! 



Did you know that you can also print on sticky notes right from your home printer?This is a great way to make customized exit slips, assessments and other small tasks for your students. Below, I will show you how EASY it is to print your own customized sticky notes and I’ve even included a free template for you to download.


I have also created some useful FSL resources to use with sticky notes, so you can download and get started today! Check them out HERE:


French reading response organizer mini printable templates

Build your FSL students' reading comprehension with these 25 useful reading response and comprehension mini graphic organizers that can be used with ANY text! These versatile prompts can be used throughout the year for both fiction and non-fiction texts.

Perfect for a quick response, exit ticket or assessment.


Print on 3x3 sticky notes for a quick ‘stickable’ journaling activity or assessment (printing instruction included), or print on brightly colour paper! I have also included a blank template for your own designs.


French Positive Message Sticky Notes

These positive sticky notes make it easy to inspire and spread kindness in your classroom, school and community. 


Use with any 3 x 3 sticky note of your choice. Use them to brighten someone’s day – leave a note on someone’s desk, door, mirror or in a lunch box. They are a perfect positive reinforcement tool for the classroom, and are easy to apply to your students’ work.

Simply print the template provided, attach your sticky notes and print the desired design.


There are 25 unique phrases and designs included. If there is one that you do not see, let me know and I will add it for you! I will continue to grow this product. I have a FREE ‘sampler’ of this resource available for download


How to print on sticky notes:

Step 1: Download and print THIS free template. You can add your own text using text boxes or add a graphic. 


Step 2Stick your sticky notes by lining them up on the guide squares on the page.


Step 3: Place your paper back in your printer with the sticky notes side up and the adhered part facing down. Print the page from your document that you wish to use.


Your sticky notes are now ready to use! Repeat the above steps until you have printed your desired number of customized sticky notes!

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