Helping parents to support students in FSL programs

I have often heard from parents “How can I support my child in the FSL program when I don’t speak French?” Does this sound familiar to you? 

I have assembled some of my best tips and resources that I offer to parents. I’ve included websites, online tools and homework tips that you can share with your parent community.

Tips for parents:
1.    Show interest. Ask your child what they are learning about in French class. Ask them to teach you about something that they have learned!

2.    Keep a positive attitude. If you show your child that you value the benefits of learning an additional language – your child is more likely to appreciate those benefits. 

3.    Encourage your child to read French books, listen to French radio or watch French television shows.

Homework help at home:
Here is a list of great websites that can be helpful for a variety of French topics!
3.    Le point du FLE (

Useful apps:
1.    Duolingo

Duolingo is a language-learning app that is game-based. The app progresses through many levels of difficulty using repetition to increase student confidence in the target language. (This is also great for adults!)

2.    BrainPoP

BrainPop: Film du Jour app is an excellent resource for listening comprehension for students in grade 5 and up. Offering a FREE daily video on math, art, music, history, geography, science and technology topics which are accessible through the app. They also offer a corresponding comprehension quiz to accompany their videos. There are additional videos available for purchase as well.

Support group for parents with children in FSL programs:

Canadian Parents for French was founded in 1977 by parents who wanted to ensure that children would have the opportunity to become bilingual in the Canadian school system. It is a network that is run by volunteers that provides support for parents with children in FSL programs across Canada. They also organize activities in communities that promote learning French. Their website ( offers many resources for parents including pamphlets which outline the benefits of learning French. 

Classroom Projects:
I also like to begin the school year with an activity that helps my students discover the benefits of learning French and sharing their findings with their families. I use a lesson that I've name "Pourquoi apprendre le français? Why take french? inquiry project" 
Find out more about the "Why take French?" inquiry project HERE!

an activity that helps my students discover the benefits of learning French - the project is available in my TPT store: The French Nook

In this activity, students use the inquiry method to explore the question “Why take French?”  Students develop further research questions, explore videos and texts, and describe the benefits of learning French as a second language. Students also create a poster with illustrations, words and facts that will demonstrate their learning.

A collaborative learning poster activity where students reflect on what learning French means to them.

I will also accompany this with a collaborative learning poster activity where students reflect on what learning French means to them - and then assemble their pieces together to make a HUGE display for the classroom or hallway. 

Find out more about this project in my TPT store: The French Nook

The collaborative poster activity and "Why take French?" inquiry projects are available in my TPT store at The French Nook. Click on the images above for more information about each project!

How do you help connect families in your FSL classroom? I'd love to hear your ideas, tips and tricks below!

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