French Classroom Rewards Punch Cards

French Classroom Rewards Punch Cards

Speaking French can be intimidating for our students. Sometimes they need a little bit of encouragement to keep talking in the target language even when the Teacher may not be listening. Continue reading for how I use these cards and how you can download them for FREE!

I like to use a simple reward system for encouraging students to speak French as much as possible. First, I created some printable rewards punch cards on my computer and printed them out on colourful paper. Then, I cut them out and wrote each student's name on a card.

These cards are used for rewarding students for speaking in the target language during French class. 

Distribute the cards to each student. Be clear that THEY are responsible for these cards. I suggest having them keep them in an agenda book, or in their pencil case for safekeeping. If they lose their cards, they have to start all over again.

Use the 8 circles on each card to reward students each time that are spotted/overheard speaking French. Mark the circles with a hole punch or sticker. Once each of the 8 spaces are filled, have students choose a small reward.

Some ideas for rewards include:

-a pencil or bookmark
-free time
-extra computer time
-an extra point on the next quiz
-have lunch with YOU!
-sit in the teacher's chair
-a positive note home to parents
-permission to chew gum
-a small edible treat
-choose their own seat  for the day

*Even better, ask YOUR students what rewards they like. Make a list together and post it in the classroom.

Would you like to try these French Classroom Rewards Punch Cards with your students? Subscribe to my newsletter today and I will email you a link for your FREE download. 

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